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Brooks Hoxton kosár
Brooks Hoxton kosár
78 800 Ft 
66 980 Ft

Brooks Hoxton kosár

Brooks Hoxton kosár
Brooks Hoxton kosár
Brooks Hoxton kosár
Brooks Hoxton első csomagtartó kosár ezüst

The Hoxton Basket is a bike basket constructed from light aluminium with Iroko wooden base and a handle whose leather grip is made from genuine Brooks leather.
For use on modern bikes, this basket is equipped with a modern KLICKfix handlebar adapter that fits with most standard handlebars.
As an added touch, the leather grip is made from a stack of leather washers cut from remainders of our saddle production.

This basket is made from aluminium metal with a wooden base.
This basket can carry about 5-6kg in weight, please note by having a heavier front this can change the handling of the bike while riding.
78 800 Ft 
66 980 Ft
Kezdete: 2025.01.21   A készlet erejéig!
Kedvezmény 15
Megtakarítás 11 820 Ft
Aluminium basket with wooden base
KLICKfix handlebar adapter
Leather handle grip
W 380 x D 260 x H 260 mm
Volume: 25 L
Weight: 1150 g
Hasonló termékek